TP laminating machine
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TP laminating machine


TP laminating machine:Using solid transparent optical glue or liquid transparent optical glue for complete bonding of the touch panel and the glass protective layer. Since the two-layer board is completely tight, there is no gap or air layer, so that the backlight of the display panel can penetrate the glass surface more smoothly, and there will be no overlap caused by light refraction, showing high brightness and high quality , While also reducing the overall thickness.

Represents the application model:

DD motor: DMFE170-010FE, DMFE112-008FE, DMFE264-150RE


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0755-29121816 0755-29121816
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9:00 - 18:30
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dzAddress: Factory Building B3, Block 25, Phase 1, Zone 3, Xin Xing Industrial Park, Xinhe Community, Fuhai Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China.



 Company Hotline:4009009819


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